Here are some more of my baby boy! He's recently come down with a severe case of PCS (photographer's child syndrome) and wants nothing to do with having his picture taken. He can be as cute and happy as can be, then I'll grab the camera and the smiles disappear. It's super frustrating because I don't really feel like I have many photos that really shows what his personality is right now. He's SO happy at home, then around other people (even family) or the camera, he just gets so serious. Anyway...even when he's being a stinker, he's still SUPER cute, right? I did manage to get some photos that I love, but it took FOUR mini-sessions instead of the one that I had planned. I think any photographer will tell you that it's ten times harder to take photos of your own kids. Other people's kids are WAY easier! To see more photos, check out my facebook page.