Have you been to Caboodle Cupcakes in Terre Haute? If not, you definitely should, and soon! Unless you don't like adorable, delicious cupcakes, of course. Seriously, they are some of the best I've had. I took the kids there a few days ago to pick some out, but brought them home to eat because I knew Jack would need a bath after he ate his.

If you've never heard of them, you can check out the Caboodle Cupcakes website here. I love that they donate to their leftovers to soup kitchens and 75% of their sales on the first Wednesday of every month to a local soup kitchen. Pretty cool, right? And did I mention they're yummy???

If you've never heard of them, you can check out the Caboodle Cupcakes website here. I love that they donate to their leftovers to soup kitchens and 75% of their sales on the first Wednesday of every month to a local soup kitchen. Pretty cool, right? And did I mention they're yummy???