Want to win a gift certificate for a free photo shoot? It's super easy to enter. First, "like" my page on facebook if you haven't already, then just suggest me to all your friends. Click on the "suggest to friends" tab under my profile pic, then a box with instructions will pop up. Tell your friends to leave a comment or send me a message with your name so I know who sent them. Then the person who gets the most people to "like" my page by Nov. 24th will win a gift certificate for a free photo shoot! You can keep the gift certificate for yourself or give it as a gift!
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My Instagram
- at home sessions 94
- babies 41
- couples 67
- engagement 49
- extended families 9
- families 203
- kids 136
- maternity 7
- newborn 37
- personal 151
- seniors 78
- studio sessions 5
- Teens 38
- toddler 30
- travel 24
- wedding 105
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